Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year!

Yes, I know it is has been 2009 for a couple days already but it still feels new. I can't seem to get the date of 09 on my checks and perhaps by Feb. I'll remember to put the correct year. I often get distracted when I try to do 18 things at once and a month or so ago I started to put 96 on a check - where did that come from???? And then there was a few months ago when I wrote out a check for my church and realized I dated the check 1967 - at least that one made some sense because it was my birthday and when I usually write that date I'm filling in a form that ask my date of birth. Still, I bet the church was surprised to find an offering from over 40 years ago in their offering plate that day. Oh well, that is what I get for being absent minded. I think if the bank was okay with that, they'll deal just fine with my next few checks being written out for last year....

Another year has started and last year went so fast. It seems like it wasn't long ago that the whole Y2K thing was happening and in less than a year from now we'll usher in a new decade. As time goes by, life can get more focused and it is easier to realize what the important things are in life.

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