Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I'm one flu away from my ideal weight....

Mom told me that was a line from a movie that always made her laugh. See, I gained about four pounds over the holidays and stressed thinking it would take me equally as long, about four weeks, to really lose that weight. Oh well, the buckeye balls were worth it...

I'm proud to announce that with very little effort (though much pain) I've lost those four pounds, plus one, for a total weight loss of five pounds by January 7th. Good job! Well, not really....yes, I lost five pounds but only by having the worse flu of my life. I started feeling it Sunday night and today, Wed. morning, I still can't think about food and I've been out of bed for 20 minutes and feel like it is time for a nap.

So, on the upside, if you're looking for that quick after the holiday weight loss, stop by my house. I'm probably contagious for at least the next 24 hours still.

1 comment:

TSC said...

Hi Ginger.

This is Bob from Shore Surf.

That old blog was banned back about 7 months ago.

I have another on
Still getting into trouble but a little more cautious now.

Hope all is well.

Yes, I STILL like annoying Liberals but with Obongo the new President not many of them care.

Later ;)