Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas vacation is starting out with a bang!

Ohhh....its going to be a LONG Christmas vacation. Is school ready to start again?

I just had the fire department out. No, we didn't burn down the house, but we sure tried. It goes like this. I'm taking a shower and the boys were so nice as to make dinner tonight to give mom a day off. This morning and announced they'd make breakfast and dinner today. Brent makes wonderful eggs and bacon this morning and all goes well...except I have to clean up the mess, but that is expected.

This evening was a different story. As I said, it started with me being in the shower. After I get out, Brent comes in an announces they had a little fire and put it out (seems there was a noodle or something under the burner that caught big deal). I walk into the kitchen just to double check the situation and I notice a pan on the stove and it begins to smoke like crazy! I yell (yes, it was a yell) "that is TOO HOT" when all of a sudden - POOF. You guessed it. Up in flames!

At this point Ryan grabs the handle and throw it in the sink. Flames are licking the cabinets above the sink and as I'm saying "NO WATER ON A GREASE FIRE" ( Yes, I was yelling again) he turns on the sink. Again, you right if you think this just made it worse. Now flames are up to the middle of the cabinets, not just under them. I said "flour, flour" as I've lost the ability to think and say things at this point but knew that it need to be smoothered and there was a bag of flour on the counter. At first I thought it made it worse, but then it went right out.

At this point our smoke alarms are going off, but it doesn't take but a few seconds for the master alarms to go off which can only be turned off after the fire department comes. So after a few minutes of ear piercing alarms, two rather handsome firemen show up and peek into the kitchen, open the hall doors and leave. Though my embarassment may last a bit longer.

No damage and I've actually had longer clean up times for meals that haven't caught on fire.

I think we're headed out for some pizza.

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