Friday, November 28, 2008

So much for making plans!

So yesterday morning, I get up and after writing my blog about how I'm going to Michelle's house for Thanksgiving, I start to make sweet potato casserole to take. My phone rings and it is Hailey. She is on her way home from her friend's house where she'd spent the night before. She was crying.

Seems she ended up having the flu. Above is a photo of how she looked on Thanksgiving.

She thought she'd feel better so she jumped in the bathtub, but after getting out and becoming sick again, she (and I) realized that Thanksgiving plans had to change. I called Michelle who was sweet enough to tell me to come over and get some food to take back to the boys. I went over and picked up turkey, noodles, dressing and mashed taters and I stopped by the grocery store and picked up rolls, cranberries, drinks and a pie to put in the oven. It all worked out well and we had a good dinner (a little later than noon and not on plastic plates....but I will say that when I went to Michelle's and she had her table set, much to my relief there were real plates there also).

So, my plans were set aside as God had other intentions for the day. Maybe He decided it was time for me to get over my "anti-Thanksgiving" attitude and have dinner at my house.

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