Years ago, as in before children, I had a convertible and loved it. Over the years, the memories of a convertible have faded. They were reawakened while in San Francisco. Vic and I were going to rent bikes and ride across the Golden Gate Bridge but we woke up that Saturday morning to gray skies threatening rain. Actually, I think Vic secretly prayed for the gray, rainy day so I wouldn't drag her out on a bike after making her walk up Nob hill the day before...
Anyhow, since biking in the rain didn't seem like too much fun we decided to rent a car and drive across the bridge to the other side to see Napa wine country and Muir woods.....(I'll post some photos). There was a car rental place just across the street from the Hilton, so we headed over there and asked for an economy car (as a side note, to rent a CAR for 24 hours for the two of us was half the price of renting bikes for the 2 of us for 24 hours! - figure that one out). They were out of economy cars, so they gave us this convertible instead. I wasn't too excited, as those gray skies had now turned to a light rain, but what the heck...we weren't going to turn it down.
That last night we left our downtown hotel and for a 1/3 of the price stayed at a Comfort Inn (with free breakfast) in the Napa area. The next morning we woke up and the skies were bright and clear. Although a bit chilly, Vic convinced me to take the top down for the ride back into San Francisco to the airport. I'm glad I did. It was such a fun ride! Now, I miss my old convertible.
Maybe someday, when the kids are gone and I can be less sensible, I'll get that convertible again.
1 comment:
I miss my jeep, too. Nothing like driving around topless!
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