Friday, October 3, 2008

Finally Friday!

Okay, so I don't have a traditional job and Friday doesn't mean the same to me as many people, but....I do always have very busy Thursday as I do my 10 day listings and Friday mornings is always a bit of a relief. I take it a little slower and try to enjoy the morning. Even if that is for just a few minutes.

The few minutes pass, and I realize I have way, way, way too much work for one person to accomplish today. So yesterday, I decided I'm going to (hopefully) hire a "personal/business assistant" part time. I can only do so much as one person, and there is so much that someone could help me do - from answering emails to going to the post office or even the grocery store - for me that would free up my time to do the things I need to do and nobody else can do for my business. I've had high school girls help me before and although they are a help, both of the girls were not very self-directed and I had to tell them specifically everything that needed to be done. I'm hoping I can get someone who knows how to take the lead and do something they see needs to be done and do it. I'd rather have someone make a decision and do something wrong, than sit and do nothing (especially when I paying them by the hour).

So today begins a search for someone. I'm going to let anyone and everyone know what I'm looking for and hopefully, God willing, the right person will come along. College age would be really great I think....but I'm open to anyone who possesses the right smarts, personality and drive.

So, I said I'd have pictures of Brent's football game to share. Guess you have to take your camera for that don't you? Honestly, it goes back to looking for that assistant I need. I literally worked till I ran (yes, I ran) out of the house to go to the football game. I didn't even realize till I was 5 miles down the road that I'd left without my camera (and shoes - yes, I had flip-flops on, but it IS fall in Illinois and I was cold!) I'll post some pictures of a game a few weeks ago but they are not very good....

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